Hi there!
I am Halina, a coach and the author of Halcyon Presence Program. I help my clients cultivate and advance their Authentic Leadership Presence and Essential Confidence.
But first and foremost, I am a lifetime learner and a practitioner who is on the perpetual journey to the authenticity, deep connection with self and others, and meaningful life.
For me, when pondering the idea of how I can feel relaxed and confident no matter what – that is in a comfortable agreement with my thoughts, feelings, choices, and actions – it all started with the question “Can I just simply be myself no matter what?”
And then it instantly struck me: “But who am I? and what exactly ‘being myself’ mean?” followed by a realization that I knew the answer much better when I was a child than in my 20s and even early 30s. What happened?
Have I lost the sense of self on the road to my adulthood? Or was it too many expectations, confusing cultural and societal messages, artificial ideas of how a confident person is supposed to present oneself?
As a result, masks were put on, causing pain from the never-ending, exhausting lies to myself and others. An excessive effort to impress by all means while hiding vulnerability and true authenticity preoccupied my relationships and interactions with other people.
For years, I have been searching my way home… back to the authentic self. Fact is, we can’t unlearn or undo the baggage of knowledge (including thinking and behavioral patterns) acquired since we were carefree children.
But we can learn to embrace what we’ve become, yet, find graceful harmony and the deepest connection with ourselves.
I turned inward to my core values and gradually, day after day (with the tremendous help of people who once had been there) started to make my way back through a deeper connection to my body, mind, emotions, and soul.
And then I discovered empowering energy flows within me and learnt to navigate them to stay present with those powerful universal forces running within us as well as beyond our physical bodies.
Halina is a natural. I met Halina during my MBA when I was wading through the choppy waters of career transition. Halina graciously agreed to help me. She offered valuable insights that helped me hone in on my skills and experience and got me ready for the next phase of my career. She not only coached me through my career transition, but she also ensured that I am taking care of my mental well-being. She offered me tools that I find myself using daily. She is very creative in her approach – a perfect combination of spiritual and business acumen. Halina is the best, and I highly recommend her!
I had the good fortune of being coached by Halina during a particularly critical period in my life. Aside from multiple things that were happening in my personal life, I was on the cusp of publishing my first book, starting my company and still working full time in a career I had built over 18 years. Halina’s coaching not only allowed me to develop the clarity I needed to gain about my business but also helped me successfully address some concerns I had about how I would be able to make my career transition. I would strongly encourage anyone that is seeking a coach to help you with business, leadership, career transition and/or life coaching to work with Halina.
Halina is a very intuitive coach that does a tremendous job of allowing her clients space for evolution while facilitating their awareness. She’s a great listener and truly hears what you bring to the table. Her kind and empathetic nature makes her great at what she does. I highly recommend working with her.
Halina has served as my coach the last six months and has been instrumental in my growth as a professional and leader. I cannot thank her enough for her insights, support and guidance as I’ve navigated the next steps in my career. She has given me the space to develop confidence in my gifts and talents, and the support to express myself without judgement. She is a true gift to the coaching field and a partner in co-creating what is possible!
When you start working with a coach, first of all, you have to determine for yourself what areas you really need to work on. Halina easily helped me to find out the fields where I was good at and where there was some room for growth. We started working on ‘’Confidence’’ realm that included four blocks: a) defining my purpose and goals; b) understanding an underlying belief that possibly hold me back from being confident (in life, career); c) developing my leadership presence, authenticity, and being in the flow; d) building courage muscle. The other area of our focus was ‘’Stress management’’ which included a) beliefs and fears impacting my choices when in doubt, overwhelmed, or stressed; b) exploring unique personality traits and strengths expressed when I am at my best, energized and inspired; c) the strategies for a better reading and managing the body’s signals. I had just changed my job at that moment and needed to adapt to new people and company’s culture. What made it challenging for me was that my previous job had been extremely different than the new one in terms of processes, workers’ attitude, and the overall culture. As a result of coaching, I managed to go through the changes and adaptation period successfully and with the newly developed confidence. Halina just asked me some straight-forward questions that were simple in nature to comprehend but not so easy to catch and effectively address on my own. With her help, I was able to look at the situation with the new eyes and find the answers which worked best uniquely for myself, not in general, but at that particular stage of my life. I am looking forward to continuing our coaching sessions with Halina.
Halina is a wonderful Coach. I had the pleasure of connecting together at the end of our studies, so I feel like I got the best of her coaching, and I know she will make a great impact with her future clients. Halina is a very intuitive person, and her presence during her coaching sessions is outstanding. You really feel like she is listening to what you are and aren’t saying. Every session with Halina carries a lot of value, and if you are ready to take the leap forward and be coached by her, you will come away with far more than you thought possible. Halina it was a pleasure to go through this journey together.
В течение нескольких месяцев мы провели с Галиной коучинг-сессии на различные темы. И я осталась очень довольна результатами проделанной работы. Занятия с Галиной помогли мне пересмотреть некоторые давние вопросы персонального и профессионального роста, и найти решение для себя. Хотелось бы отметить, что на своих сессиях Галина создавала атмосферу спокойствия и доверия, благодаря чему разговор получался непринужденный, открытый. Она профессионально и уверенно строила наш диалог, направляя меня уточняющими вопросами, давай своевременную обратную связь, и в то же время держала разговор в тонусе, не давая мне сильно отклоняться от темы. В начале занятия у меня всегда было время расслабиться, настроиться на сессию и выбрать тему нашего разговора. За одно занятие мы могли разобрать выбранную тему от начала и до конца. Некоторые темы требовали более детального изучения. И тогда мы прорабатывали их несколько дней. Бывало так, что я просто ощущала некоторую неразрешенную для себя ситуацию, но не могла ее четко сформулировать. И тогда во время коучинг сессии благодаря наводящим вопросам, мы приходили к пониманию самой сути проблемы и находили решение. В конце Галина, как правило, обобщала услышанное и давала фидбэк, который позволял взглянуть на вопрос с разных точек зрения и увидеть что-то неожиданно новое для себя. Замечу, что на сессиях Галина всегда сконцентрирована, не отвлекается, внимательна к деталями, полностью погружается в процесс сама и вовлекает клиента. Помимо построения активного диалога, Галина также применяет различные интересные упражнения, которые делают сессию более интерактивной и увлекательной. Выполнение упражнений помогало мне шире взглянуть на заданную проблему и найти необычные, альтернативные пути решения. Я с удовольствием продолжу работать с Галиной далее, так как с каждой новой сессией у меня все больше энтузиазма и желания изучать и развивать себя.
Я вступила в новую должность, проводила на работе по 12 часов, работала в выходные дни и находилась в состоянии постоянного стресса. Мне было сложно признаться себе в том, что я не справляюсь, что у меня есть проблемы, которые тяжело решить самостоятельно, поэтому, чтобы что-то изменить, важно найти наставника, которому ты сможешь довериться. Именно в такой момент жизни, я встретила Галину Мацарскую. Изначально, от наших онлайн занятий я ожидала получить действенный набор инструментов, которые помогут решить накопившиеся проблемы на работе, но меня ждал большой сюрприз и открытие: «Что бы стать счастливым человеком, должна быть гармония и успех во всех сферах твоей жизни, а не только в работе.
Благодаря Галине, я смогла посмотреть на свою жизнь под другим углом:
» Я выработала баланс между работой и другими сферами моей жизни.
» Как профессионал, я получила много действенных инструментов, которые помогли мне сделать мою работу более эффективной.
» Я перестала бояться ошибиться и воспринимаю ошибку, как бесценный урок, который я усвоила
» А на сколько захватывающим были занятия, по поиску своих сильных сторон, и выявление в себе таких резервов, о которых я
даже и не подозревала. Галина помогла мне раскрыть себя как профессионала, и как личность, точно определить к чему я стремлюсь и чего я желаю на самом деле.
I hold an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree from University of California, Davis majoring in Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
I am a Certified Professional Coach focusing on Authentic Leadership Presence and Essential Confidence
CPC certificate from International Coach Academy, ACTP (ICF Accredited Coach Training Program)
In my coaching practice, I abide by the International Coach Federation (ICF) Code of Ethics
You can also find me on LinkedIn